Monday, July 14, 2008

back in accra

We are back from the Great Northern Adventure! It was AMAZING ... and will take far too long to elaborate on before my time at the internet cafe runs out ... but I promise a small novel's worth of posting in the coming days to fill you in on all the exciting details.

Some spoilers to hold you over until then:
- We did not get robbed on the highway.
- Elephants are actually really dangerous animals.
- Never take a bus trip with a driver named Mr. Fatal.
- Plant mango trees, they provide shade.

Okay, well now that you're all sitting on the edge of your seats in suspense (maybe?), I am going to go! I realize that this was a completely useless and borderline cruel update, so apologies, but I promise that the stories to come will be worth the wait. See you back here very soon!

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